• Subscription

    For $399, Buyer|Cellar offers a curated selection of six, premium, ready-to-drink wines. We offer the program twice a year, with pickup in May and November, ensuring you always have the perfect bottle for your special occasion. Sign up below for the opportunity to join.

  • Concierge Buying

    You provide the Buyer|Cellar team with your budget and buying objectives and we supply the access, tools, logistics, and knowledge to maximize your wine buying outcome. Email PrivateBuying@buyercellar.com for more information today.

  • Expert Access

    Buyer|Cellar gives you the direct access to the wholesale marketplace. Tell us what wine you want to buy and what price you are willing to pay. We will then place firm offers on your behalf to secure the wine on your terms. Email PrivateBuying@buyercellar.com to learn more.

We connect our customers to a massive inventory of pristine wine at prices 20%-50% below traditional retail

Buyer|Cellar offers our customers exclusive access to the world’s largest wholesale wine exchange, technology to identify only the best wine buying opportunities, and a complete logistics network to get the wine to your cellar.